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Old 04-20-2012, 12:03 AM   #1
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Default Somewhat OT - Gina, my old Poodle foster

I'm so upset I'm still just shaking. I took Gina, Benjamin, Sara, and Aiyana out for a late night walk before we turned in for the night. Out of nowhere a stray dog attacked us, and grabbed Gina before I knew what was happening. Grabbed her by the groin/back legs and shock the crap out of her. Her groin is so torn apart it's like hamburger. I immediately called my vet, who advised me to flush it out really good, start her on some pain meds and antibiotics that thankfully he makes sure I always have on hand for emergencies like this, and to give her some sub q fluids. He said really even at the ER that's about all they'd do other then possibly putting her on an an IV, which with a bad heart, he said sub q fluids would probably be better for her. I'm so upset, in all my years in dogs I've never witnessed such a attack! It was horrifying, at first I was sure he'd killed her, I just grabbed her and ran in the house with the other dogs and called animal control before I started to attend to her.....My vet said he'd be there at 7:00 am to meet us, if I can keep her comfortable and get her through the night she's going to need emergency surgery to close up the gaping holes in her groin. I can't believe that dog did so much damage to her so quickly and am just shaking at the thought - If it'd grabbed Benjamin they'd been no hope, if it'd grabbed Sara it would have broken a leg at the least, and likely killed her, if it'd grabbed Aiyana with all her other medical problems she almost certainly wouldn't have survived, and old Gina with her bad heart, mammary cancer, and early stage kidney disease isn't the best surgical patient, but we don't have a choice. Please keep little Gina in your prayers, I'll be up with her all night hoping and praying she makes it through - She seems pretty stable for now, I've got her temp back in normal ranges and staying there, she doesn't seem to shocky now that I've given the pain meds and sub q fluids, I think she's as stable as she can be until surgery can be preformed to clean up and repair some of the damage done tomorrow.
Momma to King Louie
Missing my angels California Lily and Benjamin Button, forever in my heart
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