"Fellow Barkmericans! It is time to rise up against the oppressors and declare our right to remain unbathed! No longer will our coats be shiny and manageable! No longer will we smell like flowers! Stand firm with me, and we will be victorious! And ignore my sister the scab. Her belly may be full of treats, but her head is covered with the ribbon of shame. Stand up and let your voice be heard if you are with me. Bark with conviction. Bark with pride. Bark until you forget why you are barking. Just BARK. BARK. BARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARKBARK!
Wait, what's happening? Oh, is it treat time? Yay!"
__________________ If you love something, set it free. Unless it's an angry tiger.
Last edited by QuickSilver; 04-15-2012 at 08:53 PM.