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Old 04-13-2012, 08:55 PM   #15
Mom to Hot Rod
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Originally Posted by Rescuemomma View Post
Unfortunately, it's one I refuse to feed. Use to love Evo, I fed their cat food to my now 19 year old Ragdoll for a long time, but now that Procter and Gambles owns them, I refuse to buy it - I won't support that company in any way, shape, form if I have any other options at all!
Hi and welcome to YT. Benjamin Button sounds like he's found his furever home. Thank you for rescuing him.

As for food, I personally feed Stella and Chewys freeze dried foods. They come in patties and you break them up. It's a grain free food. I like it because it travels well as well as you have the option to add water to rehydrate or not. Mine prefer it just broken up without any water added. There are several different flavors. Currently, I only carry 4 of the different flavors, Beef, Lamb, Surf and Turf and Chicken.

As for harnesses, yes, there are many vendors on YT including myself. My site is below in my signature.
Soft Cone Collars for Post-surgery and much more!
10% (non-food) - Discount code YT10
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