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Old 03-20-2012, 07:26 PM   #1
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default Am I Doing it wrong?!

We went and got an Xpen from my friend as Bentley still will go potty where ever he wants, so instead of letting him potty everywhere we got hte Xpen.. let me back up. He was kenneled at night and thru out hte day but we started letting him out becuase i didn't want him to not get socialized, but he kept peeing so that's when i got the reuseable potty pads from T bumpkins and the X pen. Bentley LOVES his xpen, we have a potty pad a bowl of water toys his bed and blanket he won't pee in there he will bark when he has to pee and i take him out side which i love but, also know that when we are gone for a while he will most likely go ont he potty pad . He will poo on it if we aren't home to let him out, so I assume while we are gone he pee's on it too..
I'm probally confusing you all, I had surgery last week and i'm on pain meds, I guess my question is, We started to use the Xpen so he is with us in the living room and let him have loves and stuff and started letting him stay in there while we were gone instead of kenneling him. but now at night when we put him in his kennel for bedtime HE barks EVERY 2 hours to get a drink, or to go potty, and he used to sleep thru the night.....
Did i totally mess up kennel training with the xpen? we still want him to like his kennel as when we go on vacation and stuff he will have to be in the kennel in a hotel etc if we run out for dinner and he cant' come, But I can't have him barking the whole time we are gone..

Can this be repaired or did I kind of screw myself on this one? LOL

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