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Old 03-20-2012, 06:51 AM   #15
Rosehill Yorkies
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I am sooooooo sorry for the puppy involved here.....this is EXACTLY why I do EXTENSIVE interviews and screening of my prospective parents.....I do not EVER want to have anyone I entrust the health and life of one of my precious little souls, to see it go off a second floor balcony, and have ANY doubt or question that the baby may have to be rushed to the vet. It is a wonderment the baby even survived....a broken bone is the very least of your worries. Google "de-acceleration injuries".....You have GOT to be more intuitive about this puppy, or it will never survive. Make it IMPOSSIBLE for that puppy to dart past you and out the door. You need to get a baby gate up across your door jam so that when you open the door, there is a baby gate there to block his exit. If they wont lewt you do that, you need to at the very least, buiy a wire ex-pen, 24 inches high, and zig-zag it open to cordon off the area around the front will be a pain for YOU to have to step over when you want to go out the door, but the baby will be stuck on the other side and cant run out the door. You need to get some books and READ...."Yorkies For Dummies" is the first one I always insist my parents get....PLEASE get this book and read it and learn what you must do for these babies and why you do it!!! It is unacceptable to see a puppy fall from the second floor and not take it for a vet check!!! That event SHOULD have terrified you!

Last edited by Yorkiemom1; 03-20-2012 at 06:54 AM.
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