Originally Posted by miabellaamoure The answer is that you will not always be with Millie...plain & simple. It's too easy to say I will always be there to keep our dog from harms way but, that just isn't realistic thinking. You won't.
It only takes a second or two and then you've defeated your whole theory of you will always be there. Then...you'll have a whole new bag of tricks to contend with...and it's a burden for Millie and yourself to have to go through.
Be safe for Millie & yourself and spay. |
Originally Posted by Teresa Ford Thank You for having her spayed. I honestly believe (dogs) Yorkies should be neutered or spayed; Yorkies that are going to be deliberately mated selectivity are the only exception. |
Also, I am a firm believer is a collar and tags at all times and microchipping. Just about ever story on YT that has involved a lost/missing dog has always been they didn't have a collar and tags on when they went missing.
There is always that chance she could accidentally slip away.