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Old 02-13-2012, 04:39 AM   #12
Donating Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Chrissybear View Post
i have a homeopathic dog book that talked about enzymes to help with the pancreas. what are the ones you give? Also, what test did your vet run to find out it was necrotizing pancreatits? i was worried about that one
We use panacare plus powder. She had surgery last July because after several days she was acting better but not as well as she should have. After an ultrasound and xrays, a mass was in her abdomen. Wasn't sure if it was a tumor so she had surgery the next day. It was actually her pancreas, badly absessed. Slides were sent out and the report came back a few days later from a lab. My vet said it was the worse pancreas she had seen in her 20 years.

I do grind her dry food and soak in water with the enzymes for at least an hour before her first meal. I mix it all in the morning and divide it out for the day. She eats 4 times. Dry food is harder to digest than wet, so that is why I do it this way.
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