Thread: Back from NC
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Old 01-17-2006, 05:58 AM   #1
and Ty too!
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Default Back from NC

Hello everyone! Some of you might remember that I posted last week about a move that we were making to NC and that I was upset about it. Well, I must say that we got home last night from NC and not only did we find a house, but I am in LOVE with the area! I would move tomorrow if I could. I have to tie up some loose ends down here before we can move so it might be 4 months, which upsets me because the house that we like may no longer be available. However, I feel a lot better know that I now where I'm going and that I love it! I'm just dealing with being upset now because I want that house. Man, there's no pleasing a woman!! LOL Thanks for all of the words of encouragement and Michelle we will be calling you...
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