You could begin by eliminating chicken, as it's the #1 allergen in small dogs. Some pups are fine with homecooked chicken, but are allergic to chicken based dog foods. Then I'd be looking more at the preservatives in the dog food.
When you begin, only eliminate one thing at a time, if you want to find what she's allergic to.
Food allergies usually begin with facial and front feet itching. Plastic water or food bowls can do the same, and may be worse right after eating.
If you're not sure, and it's more total body itching, it could be something else, like a flea or mite allergy. It's easier to treat the dog with Revolution or a similar product that specifically kills mites first, to rule them out, and if no improvement is seen after treatment, then begin the food elimination diets.
Also, I could ask a million questions, and this may help in preparation for talking to your vet. I'd keep a diary of sorts and note times and places she seems to be itchy, or times of day it may be worse or not as bad. Is she worse in the bedroom? Dogs can be allergic to dust mites, denser populations are found in bedrooms, although also found throughout the house.
Any new air fresheners, detergents, carpeting or other environmental changes in the house? Plug-ins are notorious for causing problems. Some scented candles too.
Yorkies are prone to getting Sarcoptic mange (Scabies in humans). Any humans itching at home, esp after holding her? Telltale signs are tiny white flakes along the very edges of the ear flaps, may help to use a magnifying glass to see. Also one may notice a puckering to the abdominal/genital or chest /underarm skin, similar to elephant skin, in some or all areas. A red rash will appear on humans, and feels like something is crawling under the skin. See the doctor if the itching is too bad.
I've only touched the subject here, but you'll be off to a good start at getting to the root of the problem... good luck at the vets... it can take a few months to years to figure these problems out.
Last edited by kjc; 01-09-2012 at 07:47 PM.