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Old 01-15-2006, 08:28 AM   #3
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Your furbabies are precious.

We recently added Ransom to our family a little over a week ago. As you, I was ready for Schatzie (9 lbs) to growl and give a warning nip to the pup. I realized that this was going to be her way of communicating to Ransom and stood by to intervene as needed.

I have been blessed, after about 3 days I could see the bonding take place and so far all our babies are living in harmony. We also have a Schnauzer and no problem at all with her either.

I have NOT taken this bond for granted. I still am with them constantly and do NOT let them be alone together. I feel it takes much longer than just a few days for them all to really decide their own rank with each other.

I make sure that I give them all attention so nobody feels "left out".
~~**~~ Schatzie and Ransom ~~**~~
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