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Old 12-21-2011, 11:43 AM   #2
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I too am haunted by the pain and suffering this yorkie endured while in their care. I cannot stop thinking about it. Since hearing of this case, I cannot seem to stop doing research on animal cruelty and ran across a video call the Earthling. I've only watch the trailer and it was enough to open my eyes to the extent of animal cruelty. I knew it existed but not to this extent.

it's almost like I took the red pill and there's no going back to being blissfully unaware. As horrific as this crime was to this poor yorkie, it definitely open the eyes of so many like myself who didn't know the extent of animal cruelty. This video is a call to arms for all of us to make a pledge to protect all animals as best we can.

To help
just do a google search on how to prevent animal cruelty and you can get some great suggestions on how to started.
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