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Old 11-12-2011, 02:20 PM   #14
Owned by a Gremlin
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With regards to walking, it took us about 3 weeks of constant 15 min sessions to get Gizmo walking good. You need to get her walking well first before "heeling". This can be done by showing her the treat, holding it in front of her so she follows it. After a few yards of good walking, give the reward. That how we worked with Gizmo, and it's been flawless from there..

With regards to hitting her with the paper. NO! BAD MOMMA! This simply teaches the dog to not potty period. The best way to deal with potty in the house is keeping her to a confined area and taking her out every hour and being CONSISTENT! If she potties in your house, like the other posters said, it's your fault. But when she does, and trust me, she will, don't make a big deal about it, and clean it up.

These dogs are very different. You need to be consistent and keep them on a schedule. We use the word "potty" always. "Want to go POTTY"
"Lets go outside and go POTTY". And treats, and lots of praise when they do good. These little guys actually love to please.

Do yourself a favor and throw away all passed notions you have on training, as well as that newspaper that you use. Yorkie training is completely different.
Taryn Momma to Gizmo AKA Monkeyman
My husband, daughter, son, and dog make me who I am
"My goal in life is to be as good of a person my dog already thinks I am."
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