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Old 10-05-2011, 11:12 AM   #7
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Default Coloring

Sprocket is 4yrs old now and his main color has settled, being the silver w/dark under tones on his saddle and his leg feathers and head are a strawberry blonde, his ears though are auburn red. That is the "base", in the summer like everyone, his hair bleaches out and the blonde becomes mostly white, even the dark under tones to his saddle are very lite, and in the winter the strawberry blonde becomes very "red" almost a medium red, the ears very dark and the saddle is charcoal, almost no white or silver. I must say his hair is just yummy, I love it, basically, it's always changing. I never saw his puppy colors though I would have loved to, this just part of the thing that makes our dogs so neat, so different. The changing, how your dog is different than mine but yet still both yorkies!! I love this breed even though I am sure I don't know enough about them and I am still learning. P.S. and waaaay off topic thanks everybody for all the info you share. So the question can you predict a puppies color? I don't think so, besides it's to much fun waiting to see what it's really going to be!
Sprockets Guardian and personal slave.
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