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Old 09-16-2011, 11:14 AM   #1
Buster Brown
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Exclamation Squeaky Toys & Dangerous Sound Levels?

I am a sound recording engineer. I was quite surprised, when I was playing with Buster and one of his squeaky toys, at how loud the squeak actually was! So surprised that I brought it into work and measured it's loudness with a Sound Pressure Level meter. This toy was putting out a a huge 106-104 db SPL (decibels of sound pressure levels) I looked it up in the charts according to them the permissible exposure time for continuous time weighted average noise is under 4 minutes. This is a chewing toy and therefore the squeak is right up at his ear when he plays with it. I wonder if one of the causes of dogs going deaf is the exposure to that loud of a sound over the course of their lives. Honestly I was quite shocked by how loud it actually was. I am going to have to go through all of Buster's toys now to check out how loud they are!
Dangerous Decibels How Loud is Too Loud?
CarolynBuster Brown
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything."

Last edited by Buster Brown; 09-16-2011 at 11:16 AM.
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