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Old 09-15-2011, 03:13 PM   #38
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Zhoie will be 3 in Jan., and we are probably not the norm. I work from home so we are together practically 24/7, but when I go out, I say one of two things. If I can go this time...she gets excited, but if I say mommy has to go out and you can't go, she will scurry on to her safe place. It's her covered crate in our sunroom, we call it her house. She loves her house and goes there quite often on her own. I have went to the store or whatever and have left the door open and she still isn't out when I come back.

I can't imagine I will ever leave her out, only because I feel more secure with her in there, like in case of a fire or something...when they break in she can be easily found. I have a sticker on the outside french door in that room to alert there is a pet inside. I'm really anal like that.
Tena & Zhoie
Sweet Little Miracle
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