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Old 09-11-2011, 10:33 AM   #13
Yorkie Yakker
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Default I pray it isn't PetCo policy to let animals drown like this

I will boycott because their manager said it was their policy if it is only this Petco that would do this than PetCo has a responsibility to go after the manager and press charges as he is representing their company.

Originally Posted by Lovetodream88 View Post
Why would you boycott all petco stores when it wasn't the petco company that made the decision not to evacuate it was the manager of that stores decision.
By what I have read on their site is they are just saying it was unfortunate. Yes I agree it was very unfortunate for each animal that died and each was that was scared and hungry for three days.

I just can't imagine being an animal not matter what kind of animal dog, cat, rabbit or bird, sitting in a cage with the water rising and no way to escape.

They closed this store at 5:00 pm so the employees could all go to safety and knew what was gonna happen. I do not blame the employees as they begged to remove the animals.
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