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Old 09-04-2011, 05:09 PM   #3
Owned by Bella & Tibbs
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Well if you want them to strictly do there STUFF outside then I wouldn't put them down. However if your ok with them peeing on a pad in the house then go for it! You will have to work with them to go on the pad too! If they start to pee or poop in the floor say a firm but not angry "No" or "uh oh" then put them on the pad and give them a small treat or lots of praise if they go where you want them too! Good luck! I also am potty training my 2 Tibbers 25 weeks and Bella 13 weeks. Your babies are also really young so it may take a wile for them to get it! Just be patient and stay consistent! Good luck!
XOXO Valenie LOVING Mommy to Tibbers Bella and my son Adam!
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