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Old 08-19-2011, 02:41 PM   #7
YT 500 Club Member
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I was with my DH a couple of weeks ago on one of these hot summer days and someone had left their dog in their car and went into the movie theater. WHO TAKES A DOG TO THE MOVIES AND LEAVES IT WITH THE WINDOWS ROLLED UP? If they were cracked, it was barely. I very loudly and obnoxiously talked about how it was inhumane and neglectful while we were in the lobby just hoping that the people were in there, but it wasn't in the cards to harass 8 rooms worth of movie goers to find out who had done it. I was on the warpath though.

Does it take that much common sense to realize not to leave a living being locked inside a hot car? I can only hope they wouldn't do it to their human child.

... A movie theater ... I was fit to be tied. That still gets to me. That's at least 2 - 2 1/2 hours that poor animal was locked up.
Home is where your is.
Lindsey and Nilla

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