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Old 08-07-2011, 04:42 AM   #4
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: scotts Michigan
Posts: 52

yeah nothing makes me madder than that! Last week my husband and I went blueberry picking. When we go out of the car I noticed a poodle left in the car beside ours. I went inside and told the girls in there about the dog. Of course they couldn't do anything. We went to pick berries for about half hour, and I hollered out over the field, "theres a dog up her sweltering in the car. A few minutes later I noticed an older man letting the dog out for a few minutes. He went in to pay and I told him it was too hot to leave his dog in the car. He just ignored me and left. Maybe he will think twice about it next time. But I doubt it! Some people are so stupid and cruel!
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