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Old 08-01-2011, 02:50 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Ahmzz View Post
One thing I remembered them telling me before I left the vets was to just feed her a capful of food about 15 minutes apart so they're stomach gets used to it. Madison was also acting like she'd never eaten and I felt really bad but I did this for a whole day to avoid vomiting. Maybe you can try this with chicken and rice when your back to feeding her. It's nerve wrecking when they're sick
It's absolutely nerve wracking. I didn't sleep well on Wednesday because I was worried about her being uncomfortable. I didn't sleep Thurs either because she sleeps in my bed (on my pillow usually) and she was throwing up all night and I was afraid she would need to go to the ER! It's been a nightmare.......

She's getting better. At least she cooperates taking her 2 prescriptions for her tummy She'll be on those for almost two more weeks.
Melissa and Belle
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