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Old 08-01-2011, 09:41 AM   #1
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Default Questions about Spay recovery

My little Belle is 9 months old today. She was spayed last week on Wednesday. It wasn't a scheduled spay, she had an appt with vet to see why she was still spotting a bit after having been in heat in early June. She was actually still in heat, most likely due to a follicular cyst, so my vet said he could spay her that day. He did the surgery and it was uneventful (her uterus was enlarged due to being in heat) and she woke up fine. All presurgery bloodwork was great.

I picked her up at 7pm that day, she was groggy and just rested and went to bed. The next morning she drank water, ate a TINY bit of food (IAMS healthy naturals) and then just wanted to sleep. She seemed ok most of the day then started vomiting. She would eat a little and then throw it up about 20 min later. Around 5pm, I called my vet, he suggested boiled chicken and rice, that came back up almost immediately. I called him back, he suggested resting her gut until the morning as she wasnt dehydrated and feed her I/D in the AM. I picked up 3 cans of it that night to be ready for the morning.

We got up in the morning, she had a teaspoon of the I/D and that came right back up. I called my vet as soon as they opened and he said to bring her in right away. He gave her and injection of Famotadine and something else to stop the vomiting. He also prescribed Famotadine and Sucralfate to take to the next 2 weeks. She didn't vomit anymore that day, but did a little durung the night. She is pretty much ok now, but can only eat small amounts of I/D several times a day. If I feed her a "normal" amount, some of it comes back up a few hours later. Her bloodwork was still normal Friday when we went back and had the injections.

I've always had my pets spayed/neutered and NEVER had anything like this happen. I worked at an animal shelter for 5 years and brought countless animals to be sterilized and none of them had anything similar happen. I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas what might be going on with her?

She was 5 lbs pre-spay, a little less than that now. Also, other than the vomiting she is acting FINE. She wants to eat, she's acting like I'm starving her....
Melissa and Belle
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