Thread: Need help!
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Old 07-28-2011, 09:24 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Shreveport, La
Posts: 38
Default Need help!


I hope someone can give me some advise on what I can do with my 2 year old yorkie Gunner. We are renovating a old home and so my kids and dogs and I are currently staying with my Mom. I don't have a kennel (in storage I think) Gunner has been peeing and pooing in the kitchen!!! EVERY DAY. My Mom is getting very tired of it especially because she had to have her golden retriever of 14 years put down last week. When I try to tell Gunner Bad boy he barks and comes after me trying to bite me!! I do not hit him only scold him! I can't get on him at all without him growling and trying to bite me. Is this normal?? I take him out at night to do his business and I also put the food up so he is not eating in the night. I don't want to get rid of him but am wondering if we are going to be able to work this out. Before we moved and I put him in the kennel he didn't mind sleeping in the pee or poop! I had to clean it out every day. NOt sure what our future holds at this rate!
Thanks for any advise!
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