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Old 01-03-2006, 12:06 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Arizona
Posts: 36
Omg Help Needed with Trimming Puppy's Nails!

Hi to all other Yorkie Owners! I'm a relatively new Yorkie Mom. Cody is just over 4 months old. We're having a great deal of trouble trimming his nails. I trimmed them when we first brought him home at 12 weeks. It wasn't easy, but with some treats and a sleepy Yorkie we were able to accomplish it. Now nothing works. He goes absolutley bonkers when he sees the little clippers and I touch his paws -- treats or no treats. We absolutely did not injure him or scare him the first time around so I don't know what has gotten into him. My other dog -- a keeshond -- has never given me a problem and merely hands over his paws when it's time to have his nails done. I even had Cody watch this as he tries to copy everything the kees (Baron) does. Any suggestions???

Thanks for your help.

Dawn (Cody's Mom)
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