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Old 06-13-2011, 02:36 AM   #15
Senior Yorkie Talker
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Originally Posted by Kimchi and Kitt View Post
Oh sad =( Im sure its going to be hard for everyone involved!

However pets can cause serious health issues. I had 2 cats, and my DR told me I had to get rid of them because of asthma, after administering an allergy test. I was severely allergic. I had bronchitis 8 TIMES and pneumonia 3, all allergy and pet related and asthma just makes it worse.. It was very sad, but my kitties went to family of mine. And as hard as it is, when health issues hospitalize a person something has to be done.

I hope you can find a good home for her, or a good rescue!
The bottom line here is my son's health. He had asthma when he was a baby, but hadn't had any problems for many years. Last November, he had bronchitis and then began having asthma attacks again. The first thing the doctor asked about was pets and he said to remove the dog, of course. Darin has wound up at the emergency room twice and was having one attack right after another. He hasn't had any problems since Samantha has been at my house. Even though Yorkies are supposed to be better for people with allergies, I don't think it's worth the risk. One trip to the emergency room will convince you!

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