Thread: Pet Insurance?
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Old 06-04-2011, 05:29 AM   #2
YT 1000 Club Member
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For me insurance is a must....

I never insured any of my previous pets (horses) mostly because they were business assets. (yes I loved them as my own babies, but at the end of the day I knew where my money sat with them). I made a decision after one of our boarding horses passed from colic, and they lost a lot of money trying to save the horse, how much money I would be willing to spend on each one should they get hurt or sick. It was a difficult decision to make.

When I bought Harley I fell so in love with him that if anything happened to him I wanted to be able to look the best vet in the eye and say "do what you need to do, money isn't an issue." Of course money is an issue for me, so insurance is the only way I could afford to say those words. I admit some times I think I'm wasting a lot of money. but in the event that something big happened, I'd be safe, my dog would come home healthy.

Not sure about plans in the UK. I use PetSecure, I don't know which other countries they service.
Harley, you were the light in my life, rest peacefully my love!
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