My name is Ann Simons and I have a yorkie puppy named Bentley. He is 4 and a half months old. Since I received him as a gift for Christmas, Bentley and I have been inseperable. He goes everywhere with me and loves to ride in his bag wherever I go. I have grown to love and learned to care for him as I would a child. Before, I had cats but there is no comparison to the devotion needed and given back, ten-fold.
I am writing in the hopes that someone will know of an organization or fund that may help to cover the cost of surgery Bentley now requires. Two nights ago, I noticed him acting funny...he wasn't running or darting around the room and highly unusual, he wasn't looking at me. His eyes (and head) were moving back and forth rapidly as if he was seeing things and he was stiff and stationary. In a panic (but trying not to show him) I rushed him to the ER where they ran blood work and watched him overnight (leaving to go home without him was one of THE hardest things I've ever had to do in my life).
The same thing happened last night, except this time I knew the reason he was acting this way was because he was having a seizure. I received word that the further tests they ran, indicate he has a portosystemic shunt. This is what has been causing him to have seizures.
This is devastating because although I have medicine and new food to try and help prevent the seizures in the short term, surgery is required to fix his condition. This surgery is rumored to be costly (I've heard anywhere from $2,000 - $4,000). There is no way I can afford this and my heart is breaking because I do not know what else I can do. I've called pet insurance companies, the local humane society, the local college veterinary school and I am at a loss as to where to turn next. He is so young and has so much more to experience! I tell you, he is the sweetest thing and is so good and just always there with me and for me. The bond we have is unbelievable.
Therefore, if you know of any possible donations or charities or funds
available for people in this situation, will you please let me know? You can email me at Thank you.