As to Pashas woes, The vet has taken exrays and ultrasound at least 4 times post op. The have also flushed him out at least 4 times. My vet has consulted with to other vets and has a call in to yet another surgeon. As I said I am taking him back to the vet Fri. to have his prostate checked and more flushing and ultrasound. This has really been an emotional time for both of us. He is totally normal in every other way. Eats better than ever now that he is on Royal Canin SO, he loves it. It is just so sad to see him going through this. I have read that though rarely the inner sutures in the bladder could be bothering him if they have not yet dissolved. There are so many things it could be that it is driving me not to mention HIM crazy. Thank you all for your input, that's what Pasha and I need right is information and support. I wish it was me instead of him. Thanks again |