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Old 04-18-2011, 10:30 AM   #1
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Default I feel so bad.. grooming accident

Layla has needed a grooming quite badly, and on Saturday I went out and got an Andis 13 piece grooming kit. I was pretty excited to use it, so I fired up the clippers and gave it a go on Saturday night. It was all going really well, and I got my boyfriend to hold Layla on her back so I could get her tummy (she can't stand, so that's the easiest way to do it). Unfortunately, her hair was too matted for the clippers to get through. I thought I'd just use the scissors that came with the kit to cut it down short and then I could use the clippers. I started under her front legs and got a lot of mats out! Then I started pulling up the hair on her chest area and snipping, and she flinched. I dropped the scissors and looked but couldn't see anything... it took about 5 seconds and I saw some blood come to the surface I nicked my baby. It was a little round spot about half the size of my pinky nail. I feel so guilty! We pushed a tissue on it and it stopped bleeding in about 30 seconds, but I couldn't clip anymore from her chest after that. I just felt too bad. Now I'm worried she'll be scared of getting her chest clipped again!

I'm sure these accidents happen to a lot of people, but I can't stop feeling bad for hurting her
Lindsey and Layla, Lucy, and Kash
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