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Old 04-16-2011, 12:48 PM   #4
I ♥ Armani & Chloe
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Originally Posted by westhoops14 View Post
he is 5 months old. Recommended next steps are liver ultrasound. BAT recommended at consultation on other genetic issues (3cm open font, cryptorchidism, recent overbite development).
Okay- so with no symptoms of liver disease (seizures, stumbling, shaking, etc.) I am even more inclined to lead towards MVD. I don't know how much research you have done but MVD is small internal shunting in the liver (as opposed to one large shunt). There is no cure for MVD, you cannot do surgery to correct it. Rather you need to make lifestyle changes, often these changes depend on what symptoms, if any, are present, and also personal preference of the vet & owner. There are different medications your vet may suggest and they may also suggest a prescription diet or just a low protein diet.

I have two dogs with MVD, they are on milk thistle which protects the liver (it is an all natural supplement)- we originally tried a medication provided by the vet called Denamarin but it made both my dogs very sick and the vet didn't think it was worth it to have them ill. We also stick with a low protein food, but not super low. The vet gave me a list of proteins to stay away from (red meat, duck, salmon, and exotic things like bison, etc.), so I chose foods that didn't have those proteins and that were in the 22%-24% protein category. Both of these are small changes and my babies continue to be very healthy and not show symptoms at 2 & 4 years of age. I am NOT recommending that you follow this protocol- you should create your own with your vet- I am just trying to show that MVD is very manageable.

However, most importantly you need to get a firm diagnoses so that you know what you are dealing with.

My vet chose not to do a liver ultrasound as she felt they dont always show a shunt even when they are present and based on the numbers (which were pretty close to your dogs- It has been awhile but I think they were like 15 and 58) and condition of my dog she was almost certain a shunt was not going to be present anyway. She chose instead to do a liver biopsy at the time of spay in order to get a definitive diagnosis.

There are a lot of yorkies on here with MVD and some who have had LS surgery- so I am sure more people will be able to jump in with more experience and help.

Armani & Chloe
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