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Old 12-26-2005, 06:55 PM   #2
YT Addict
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: CO
Posts: 272

It sounds likes she don't know what you want her to do. If you really want her to go on the paper when you are away, you probably need to cover the whole playyard area at first. That way, when she can no longer hold it, she would for sure go on the paper. You would start to see a pattern as where in the playgard she prefer to go. Slowly reduce the area that's covered with paper from where she has never went on. Eventually, the cover area would be small enough for you to just transfer the paper in the container. It takes time. If you move too fast, she would miss the paper and go on the floor. So go slow, you will get there.

One thing to keep in mind though. Once you have her paper trained, it might become difficult to get her to go outside. So if you want her to do it both ways, don't forget to take her outside when you are home while she still wants to go potty outside. My puppy is 6 months old and litterpan (lined with newspaper) trained and I can't get her to go outside don't matter how many hours we stay out there. Good luck!
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