Thread: Need advice
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Old 03-03-2011, 03:54 PM   #11
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It is really sad because it isn't necesarrily the dogs fault. It's the owners! I had a neighbor who had made their dog mean by not giving it attention, it caught a glimpse of my terrier and tore in . I nearly lost her, told them I was going to file claim. They called animal control and guess what, ac told me they would also ticket ME for dog fighting. After we left there, one of our friends that were still there, had a lovely beagle that was attacked by the same dog. I swear people never cease to amaze me, i called them the mansons. I think they put the lab down, sad I think it was how they would tie him up and leave him forever. Be cautious you never want nut cases throwing poison goodies over the fence either. I would never allow them near the fence even on leash sounds like you have some terrible neighbors, sorry.
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