Joey has been on Royal Canine Skin and Stone pretty much since he has been on adult food apx 1.5 years. He does get pickey and doesn't want to eat, so I add between a teaspoon to a tablespoon of canned Royal Canine, chicken, or 1/2 slice of deli ham or turkey and sometimes if I have nothing else 1/4 of a hot dog..all sliced very small and mix it throughout the kibbles....He will usually eat about 1/4 cup of kibbles with it but I give him close to 1/2 cup, he does not go back to his food bowl after he eats so I just leave it out...His favorite is the deli these little stinkers know one package from the other beats me...He will stand and bark while I shread the ham, but not the turkey,,,,and he loves the hot dog but he only gets it about once a month if that..I am not so sure it is very good at all for him...If someone on here knows for sure, please let me know... |