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Old 04-04-2005, 08:18 PM   #11
Yorkie Yakker
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Colorado
Posts: 42

I ran out of room. Another point I would like to make is about a Stud service again, Not one of you know it alls mentioned one thing about a VERY important thing, that if you knew as much as you thought you did you would have warned me about Bruscolisis! Or did you even know that dogs can get STD's. Wouldnt that be an important thing to tell someone that is interested in breeding, no you would just rather tell them that there is basically something wrong with their dog, instead of being encouraging! This site is not all its cracked up to be with so many unfriendly users maybe I will just look at pictures of yorkies and not waste my time getting advice from people that are already making MONEY off these dogs!
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