Thanks for the replies everyone. Tink still isn't making any attempst to eat or drink and had 2 runny poops since this morning despite having had 3 doses of the loperamide since late yesterday. She seems very uncomfortable. She is standing around arching her back and shaking and won't stay sitting or laying down for more than a few minutes. I spoke with the vet tech a few minutes ago and he assured me that she is probably experiencing stomach discomfort and I should just keep offering the meds and try to get her to drink. He did not seem overly concerned or worried that her condition was worsening. It is very hard for me to see her in pain and unable to get comfortable. She still seems hydrated from the sub-q she got yesterday. Now my delima is do I take her back in tonight or give her until tomorrow morning to show some improvement? Am I just over reacting and her behavior is what it should be for having gastroenteritis ? Thanks for listening. |