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Old 02-07-2011, 01:24 AM   #1
YorkieTalk Newbie!
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: MI, USA
Posts: 2
Animal Smiley 019 Should I get a yorkie?

I had one for awhile (His name was Lil man and we got him from a girl who said he was 10 months, When he was 10 years!) But he passed away last year in June (Never realized how much you could love an animal til I got him).. I never actually studied the breed much before I got him because she was just giving him away and I wanted to make sure he had a good home (he was well taken care of though) I have read a lot on YT (learned a lot too) and my yorkie never had any problems with his health EXCEPT for his little teeth (He barely had teeth when I got him because she just locked him in the bathroom all day and didn't take care of him! I think it was because she knew he was an older dog and she wanted a puppy instead) and I was wondering if it would be a bad idea to get a yorkie puppy because I have 3 dogs already (I only had 1 when I had him and ended up getting two when he passed) and 1 is a Saint Bernard (she is real lovey too!) 1 is a Doberman (she is always attached to my side and sad when I leave her) and a Beagle mix (she just likes to sleep... lol). They are all good with other animals I just wondered though if it would be a good idea because my dogs would be so much bigger than he/she would be. I miss my yorkie so much though! I would take it with me where I went (as I did with Lil man) I wouldn't just put all of my attention to him/her of course. I would keep an eye on him/her around my dogs just because of the size difference. But what do you think?
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