Originally Posted by LDMomma Raw is their natural diet so they can be on it pretty much forever. We've only been doing it about 8 months or so. We have no plans of going back to kibble. I can't stand the way dogs smell when they are kibble fed. It makes me sick. We do home prepared though. The prepared ones are just too expensive with four dogs plus I like to know where the meat comes from. We just make our own prepared meatballs and feed raw meaty bones on Sunday. It works for us/
Like I said, we changed Roxy over at 8 weeks. She's now 7 months and is picture perfect healthy (so far). What caused us to change was Lily's problems with ear and skin infection (if you'd like to read about it, see this months Honest Kitchen newsletter).
I have changed to dehydrated raw for trips and stuff without a problem. Also, my girls have eaten kibble at my Mom's house (visiting) and there weren't any issues so you should be able to change back at any time. |
i had also told my vet that raw is their natural diet and he told me my dogs would never survive in the wild , so thats why they should be eating dog food, such a science diet.
it is literally killing me by feeding oliver royal canin so canned food for a month now and i have no idea if he is going to be able to eat raw any more.