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Old 01-21-2011, 01:54 PM   #8
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: El Dorado, Arkansas
Posts: 43

Thanks everyone. I think it is a little short. Well for my liking she was a long shaggy girl before. Had not had a cut since Oct. so she was long haired. I think I like around her face a little longer. I have only had her since July so I don't know what cut is most preferred. As with my dachshund they don't require much grooming. Just warm blankets and love.. And Yes Bella was making noises. She is very vocal. she makes some weird noises. If Bella would just learn to tell me she needs to go poop we would be alll GREAT... Hard to imagine that someone would want to give up such cuties. They both have a problem with barking at folks and animals that go by. Any suggestions? She is smart but soooo stubborn. Gotta luv the spunky princess....
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