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Old 01-13-2011, 01:31 PM   #14
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Apple Cider Vinegar for Dogs - Benefits of ACV for Dogs

There are numerous health benefits of ACV for dogs. The main ones are:

ACV is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and it boosts the immune system. It improves stamina, increases resistance to diseases, prevents common infections, and is therefore helpful for dogs with weakened immune systems.

ACV normalizes the blood's acid alkaline balance and its potassium-rich ingredients remineralize the body. ACV breaks down calcium deposits in a dog's joints and remineralizes the bones, and as such it is beneficial for dogs with arthritis and joint problems such as hip dysplasia.

Another benefit of apple cider vinegar for dogs is its effect on a dog's skin and coat due to ACV's detoxifying properties. Dogs with itchy skin caused by allergies (e.g. flea allergies) can get almost instant relief if ACV is used as an after-shampoo rinse.

Because ACV is rich in potassium, it is beneficial for dogs with diuretic or heart problems.

Apple cider vinegar also balances digestive enyzymes in the body, so it is a good remedy for food poisoning and digestive upsets such as intestinal gas and constipation. It also reduces fecal odors.

Other benefits of ACV include the prevention of bladder stones, kidney infections, and urinary tract infections.
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