Thread: Feeding amounts
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Old 01-11-2011, 06:51 AM   #1
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Default Feeding amounts

When I first got Lexie she weighed less than 2lbs and hardly ate much of anything before she was full. Now she weighs 2.6lbs and I have her on Orijen feeding her 30 kibbles 3 times a day which is 1/4 cup altogether. For dinner I add tablespoon of wellness canned. Lexie is 14 weeks now and cleans her bowl at every meal now she's even touching the bowl with her paw and whining for more. I know Orijen is high protein so it's easy to overfeed but at the same time I want to make sure she's getting enough. So how much should I be feeding her without overdoing it. If she whines for food should I just give her more?it doesn't help that the feeding guide on the bag is way more than she could manage
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