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Old 01-08-2011, 06:00 PM   #1
Yorkie Yakker
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Fairfield, Ohio, USA
Posts: 38
Animal Smiley 019 Yorkie getting VERY picky about WHERE he eats?!

Hello! Bentley is our 10 month old Yorkie whom I've already received lots of help with from YT! Within the last month we've developed a new oddity.. We got Bentley when he was 12 weeks old and since then we've been through a few different types of foods and finally (knock on wood) he's agreed to eat one brand of food which also agrees with his digestive track. Ever since the day we brought him home we'd put dry food in his bowl, he'd run over, eat it, and call it a day. Well a few weeks ago he refused to go near his food bowl. Thinking maybe it was dirty i put a plate out while I ran the bowl in the dishwasher. He ate dinner off the plate no problem. I have seen him get his collar stuck in the wire around his bowl stand so I thought maybe that was traumatic and he freaked out.. well he ate off the plate for a few weeks no problem.. then suddenly he refused to eat off the plate. Now I've been having to resort to dumping the food on the carpet! What the heck is going on!! I keep his bowls/plate very clean and it just seems like he's being very picky. Has anyone else had this issue? Help! I live in an apartment on the ground floor so I'm getting concerned that leaving his food on the carpet is going to start drawing bugs -- he doesn't run to the bowl anymore right at meal times he prefers to graze on his on time. I'm beginning to think that's the issue he's a control freak! Anyone whose had a similar experience I'd love to hear from you! thanks
“There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face.” --- Bentley's Mom --
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