Thread: potty patch
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Old 01-02-2011, 07:03 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by tjdmom View Post
I have one and I really like it. My crew goes outside but sometimes have to resort to using this. I put a washable pee pad under the grass to absorb the urine and just clean up the poo if they go. I wash it in the tub every few weeks with bleach. I like it because I think mine don't get as confused with my rugs and the pee pads because the texture is different and it's more like the outside grass. Hope that helps.
Same here. My girl uses it every day but my boy prefers to go on walks. He will sometimes use it if the walks don't come quick enough (usually he'll just wait it out ). We keep it on our patio and they have a little doggy door to get out there. We use pee pads underneath the 'grass' and wash it out in the tub with soap and hot water. We also spray it each night with Nature's Miracle or hydrogen peroxide/water solution to keep it cleaner between washes. I've found that really helps and also changing the pee pad often. Works great for us!
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