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Old 12-13-2010, 08:13 AM   #1
♥Momma's Bambino♥
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Default whats a good schedule?

So we are back to square 1 potty training again!! I give him so many chances and it never works out!! We just got the carpets cleaned really good yesterday so we figured its a good time to start!

I would like to hear what kind of schedule you have for your babies.. I will let you know what I think I'm going to do, and let me know if it sounds good!!

Wake up 6am- take him potty

6:10 breakfast 1/3 of a cup Acana Grassland, mixed with a little wellness wet food, couple boiled chicken pieces and couple green beans thrown in there!

after that I play with him for about 20 mins

Try to make him potty again

I get ready for work

7:40 put him in crate, I go to work

5:00 take him out, potty time

5:15 Dinner

5:40 walk

7:00 play time

9:00 in the crate he goes!

Wake up and start all over, How does this sound?? What are you babies schedule like? Esp for the working women??
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