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Old 10-25-2010, 09:33 AM   #3
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My little Coco was 1.3 lbs at 12 weeks. She is now 4.7 lbs at 5 years old. When I got my little Beckham, he was 1.7 lbs at 5 months old. He quickly gained and at 9 months is close to 3 lbs.

With yorkies, you can never tell how big they are going to get. The charts are definitely not accurate when it comes to yorkies, so you may be wanting to get a bigger yorkie and it may very well stay tiny - you never know.

All I know is that my little Coco was happy on her own, but when we introduced Beckham to the family - she became more playful. So in my opinion, you cannot just stick with one yorkie - they need company when you are not around.

As for the barking. Mine do not bark unless there is someone at the door. Coco did not bark at all the first 2 years of her life - she slowly found her bark and will seldom use it.

Good luck and enjoy your little yorkie - they are sure loveable.
Coco & Beckham
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