Short answer- no, you should not share meds.
Now for the longer answer: Your lab needs to finish his entire course for it to be effective. Shorting his meds puts him at risk for developing a resistance to the antibiotic. You also need to find out exactly what is going on with your yorkie. Although it could quite likely be the same thing as the lab, if it's not you may be doing more harm than good by indiscriminately medicating him. It would also be nearly impossible for you to correctly divide a 500 mg tablet down to 60 mg.
If you don't have an ER vet available, call your vet's office and see if they have an answering service. If the vet thinks your baby should be on the antibiotics, ask if he can call in a prescription to a local pharmacy for you to pick up.
__________________ Don't get your knickers in a knot. Nothing is solved and it just makes you walk funny. |