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Old 10-07-2010, 10:19 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Hazelzmibaybee View Post
ok the vet called me back... she really didn't say anything that you guys haven't already told me, or that i already didn't know for some reason, she doesn't think that this is a reaction to the shots itself... (this was the on call vet, NOT Hazel's vet) she suggested parasites. Hazel did have Giardia over a month ago, and was treated for it. she thinks that maybe she somehow contracted it again, or that it never fully died off... and mixed in with the vaccines she could be having a reaction. i honestly don't think thats the case... but i could be wrong. she said that Hazel should have been retested 2 weeks after her medicine was done. MY vet never told me that. in fact she told me that my NEXT vet visit which is on the 2nd Hazel should be retested. She did suggest pepto or the imodium (sp?) i don't have any so she just told me to cook some white rice with chicken bullion and give it to her. she just ate it. and she drank up quite a bit of water. before the vet called i was giving her water through a straw. i don't have pumpkin... she wants me to bring Hazel back in tomorrow for another fecal. then someone else told me that this happens to her yorkie all the time after it gets shots and its lasts for a couple of days... i'm confused as to what to do... i think its just a reaction from the shots themselves. my poor baby just curled up right beside me... she acting fine... she still has the runs though ugh it smells SOOO bad! i haven't seen blood, thats the best part... i know i'm not going to get any sleep tonight as the night goes on, her stool is getting more and more muckier. YUCK! this morning it started off fine though. still no behavior changes... and thank you everyone!

Giardia can show up during times of extreme stress. Immunizations are stressful. It's definitely a good idea to go have her retested.
Don't get your knickers in a knot. Nothing is solved and it just makes you walk funny.
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