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Old 09-28-2010, 05:40 PM   #1
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Default Ben & Candy back from the Vet

It was a huge day for Ben and Candy (mostly Ben). Both got dentals, Candy, my Jack Russell got some xrays due to an occasional limp that comes and goes, and Ben was neutered.

Candy came through with flying colors. She had only a little tartar built up and needed no extractions. No broken or cracked bones. Looks like her limp may be caused by a disk problem in her neck. So nothing really to do right now except continue Rimadal (anti-inflammatory). She is eating well, jumping around fine and the limp was actually gone before the xray.

But poor Ben......he had to have several extractions and seems to be hurting. He makes a pitiful little noise when I pick him up and nuzzles like a baby. He won't eat, or even drink any water. I am watching him close -- worry about hypoglycemia as he has had that before. Have never seen him go this long without eating. Think I will give a little Nutrical if he will let me.

No one here could believe I neutered Ben. He is such a great little sire. But since I bought a tiny female and she may well come in heat before she is big enough for me to feel comfortable spaying her, I figured it best to be safe well in advance! Now there will be no danger. Also covers Ben against testicular cancer and they said the stats also show better chances for prostrate health. I was sure worried today tho! Hate to have any of these little ones go under anestesia. Now just need to get him feeling better. Anyone else neutering a small male along with teeth extractions recently? Wondering how long til they feel theirself again.
FlDebra and her ABCs
Annie, Ben, Candy
Promoting Healthy Breeding to the AKC Yorkshire Terrier Standard
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