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Old 09-03-2010, 06:31 AM   #5
Yorkie Talker
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Okinawa, Japan
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Default what to feed

I tried the same diet for my Yorkie; she is a toy (8 mos/2.3 lbs), but she used to get hypoglycemic on me so we got her the suplement (nutrical) and gave that to her as she learned to go and eat from her bowl. I cooked rice, potatoes and chicken, but it got old for her. we recently found Purina Toy Breed dog food and she loves it.

bottom line: we tried many vet prescribed foods and it would last a few days. they are finicky until they grown up! my baby yorkie did require foods such as potato, rice and chicken for a few weels, but she has been eating dry dog food for two months now

Originally Posted by lizzieg View Post
We have been super bad this past week. While on vacation, we have slipped our sweet puppy a little more table food than normal, and now she won't touch her dog food. My vet said that when she gets hungry enough that she will eat, but it hasn't worked all day. I've even tried slipping her a little bit of food in with her dog food. Is there anything you can suggest to jazz up the dog food a little bit? I was thinking that chicken broth over her food might work. And while I'm thinking, is there any other homemade recipes besides boiled chicken and rice that would be as healthy as dog food? I've been cooking that a lot because one of the members suggested it with all the recalls, but I still feel more confident that she is getting all her essential needs from a little bit of her dog food as well. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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