some of you might have said to your child at one time or another "I hope your child puts you thru the same things you put me thru!" well... I have said that same statement to my daughter and yes
my grandson is just as ornery as she was at that age.
well..........We let the pups out pretty often to just roam around the living room and play. The most ornery one is the one we are keeping. Ahia (mommy)was doing her proper rearing with trying to make her (Tressy) behave, using her paws to
herd her and hold her down. Tressy got
in her face and got away. We have a big square ottoman that Tressy went behind and Ahia was trying to get her under control by going after her. Tressy was going back and forth the opposite way from Ahia. It was so funny because Ahia does this to me when she has something I don't want her to have. I found my self shouting
"how does it feel to have your kid out smarting you? not easy is it?".
oh guish, they were all so active tonight but that was like watching a cartoon. I wish I had gotten the who episode on video. I sure don't know why they are labeled dogs. They are my children.