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Old 08-01-2010, 08:30 AM   #3
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Posts: 9


My Little one had the exact same problem a few days ago. She may have caught a stomach bug. What i would suggest is letting her stomach rest for 24hrs. When we have a stomach bug, we eat light (chicken soup etc), same goes for Yorkies. My vet advised me to not feed her her regular food (as is it too rich and calorific). Instead, keep her hydrated with water and perhaps a little boiled white rice for dinner. If yours vomits foam and yellow bile when on an empty stomach, I (my vet) suggest giving 1/8 tsp of pepto bismol or 1/8 or a tablet of pepcid AC to your little dog. Mine did not like pepto at all, so i took a little bit on my finger and slowly fed it to her at night. The next day, she was a lot better, no dirrarhea (soft stool, but not watery) or vomitting. By the 2nd day she was back to normal and eating her regular food.

I hope this helps.
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