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Old 07-31-2010, 07:04 AM   #9
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Maybe with the sneezing the vet may think he's coming down with some kind of bug.... or sometimes to prevent a secondary infection...was he running a fever?... or more often to appease the owners... you don't know how many times I hear "we went through all that and they didn't even give us any medicine for him!"

You could always call and ask... to verify the reason he put him on it. I always call back... CSR... getting old! What's this for? and This? And when is he supposed to be taking it? Is that the right strength and dosage? If something doesn't look right to me, I call. I think they leave my file out for a couple days after my appts so they can access it quickly!

And if the dog throws up after taking the meds, try again. But if he throws up a second time (within an hour or so of taking it), he may need a different med. Sometimes certain meds don't agree with our little buddies.
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